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What is happening? – Was ist los?

From September 9 to 14, students from TU Wien and the University of Applied Arts Vienna will transform Drosendorf Castle and its surroundings into a happening stage. Happening? It means – it's in vogue. A play with space, technology, and emotions that challenges the audience and meets their expectations. After all, youth is our future, but what about the present? Who is shaping it now?
It’s happening! – The time has come!

It’s happening! – Es ist soweit!

Photo: Amina Ben Hassen

Christine Hohenbüchler, Caroline Heider and Milan Mijalkovic

Institute for Art and Design / TU Vienna;
Applied Photography and Time-Based Media / dieAngewande;

Theater? Θέατρον? Театар? TE-A-TR!

In the Waldviertel region of Lower Austria, near the Thaya River, about three train hours away from Vienna, and close to the northern Czech border, is the starting point for Schloss Drosendorf TEATR Happening 2024. What's the whole thing about? The common goal of the seven-day event, from September 9th to 15th, is a collaborative work that is intended to culminate in a "Happening" on Saturday, September 14th.

Together, we explore the concept of Happening and ask what staging is, what scenography is, what costume is. What are our props? What is placed and what is the foundation in a performance? What in the space produces mere stillness, what an oversized symbol, or what a simple object? What does a mask produce? What is a backdrop? What is a character? What elicits applause, what laughter? It is important to articulate who wants what...

Happening, is it a process? Is the experience the art itself? Or only what remains in the end, what emerges? Who is Zorka Ságlová? Who is Allan Kaprow? John Dewey, John Cage, Yoko Ono? Happening, if you ask me, is the expansion of architectural space... That is: unpredictability, multimedia, site specificity, and criticism...

Painterly, spatial, linguistic, as well as performative or conceptual forms of articulation will be initially explored and developed together at the university, and then implemented during the seven-day excursion. The Schloss Drosendorf, with its generous spaces, theatrical courtyard, open areas, and the surrounding landscape, provides us with a perfect and inspiring projection and reflection surface for this.


Copyright: Milan Mijalkovic, 2020