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Parliament, that temple of democracy, is a fundamental institution in which elected representatives take turns speaking, debating and deciding on the budget and the law.

Panlament is a new, more democratic form of parliament, in which not only the active voting public is represented, but all eligible voters are given the power to shape policy. Here, the entire electorate is automatically represented from the outset by empty seats, which are only filled with members after the National Council elections. In contrast to a conventional parliament, in which all seats are filled, in a panlament the number of seats filled corresponds exactly to the proportion of valid votes cast.

In Austria, for example, 74% of the 183 seats in the Panlament in the 2019-2024 parliamentary term would have been filled, while 26% of the seats would have remained empty. In Romania, 97 of the 330 seats in the Panlamentin the 2020–2024 parliamentary term would have been filled, which would have corresponded to 29%.

In the Panlament, participation in the democratic process is represented in a transparent and spatial manner. Even more important, however, is the new democratic potential that this filling and emptying offers.


Copyright: Milan Mijalkovic, 2020