Destruction is
imminent – our democracy is in danger. Yes, it does matter. We must
warn people and do something about it. Indifference is not an option.
It is sad and threatening. It is frightening for all democrats. It is
existential! What holds us together on an equal footing is nothing
other than – democracy. Does anyone still remember the democratic
postulates? Does anyone still live by democratic values? Does anyone
even know the democratic
- Everyone has a voice – one law applies to all.
- Leadership by majority! Autonomy for the people!
- Opportunities for the weak – against superiority.
- The press is free – the public is alive and raging.
- Opinions are what count.
- Responsibility is borne by those who claim, distribute or receive power.
- Profits is shared – the distribution is just.
- Collective decisions are legitimate.
- The masses are without authority.
- Don’t take yourself too seriously.
- You can speak freely, even if you understand nothing.
- Self-criticism and talking to oneself are democratic.
- It is also democratic to keep your mouth shut.
- We aren’t alone.
- There are lots of possibilities!
- For joy and peace – against war!
- A lack of alternatives is dulling and damning.
- Heads up! Take heed! The planet is big and rich.
- Nothing is right if it is done out of hate.
- For life before death!
- For negotiations!
- Democracy is constantly emerging.
- Democracy now! – There is no higher meaning!
- There is nothing more democratic than freedom! – Think what you want!
- Freedom is not distributed, given, negotiated, settled, taken away.
- Freedom is not inherited!
- Don’t wait for freedom!
- Freedom must not be postponed or put off.
- Freedom is a fight!
- There is a higher goal.
Copyright: Milan Mijalkovic, 2020